Monday, May 27, 2019

Installing TensorFlow (OPTIONAL) - Deep Learning with Neural Networks and TensorFlow p2.1

Installing TensorFlow (OPTIONAL) - Deep Learning with Neural Networks and TensorFlow p2.1 [Collection] Welcome to part two of Deep Learning with Neural Networks and TensorFlow, and part 44 of the Machine Learning tutorial series. In this tutorial, we're going to be covering how to setup TensorFlow. This tutorial is optional, as there are many ways to setup TensorFlow. This is just how to install TensorFlow with a Virtual Machine. For setup, TensorFlow is supported by Mac and Linux, but not Windows. You can use their Docker distribution on Windows if you wanted. You are free to use whatever setup you want, but I am personally going to be using Ubuntu 16.04, on a Virtual Machine, on my Windows machine. At the moment, it is still relatively unclear about what platform people will be executing their machine learning models on, so who knows what sort of operating system will become king in the end for this field. Feel free to use whatever method you want to use, it should not matter for a while, but I will still briefly run through the setup of the virtual machine.

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