Tuesday, May 7, 2024

TutoAI: a cross-domain framework for AI-assisted mixed-media tutorial creation on physical tasks

TutoAI: a cross-domain framework for AI-assisted mixed-media tutorial creation on physical tasks Yuexi Chen, Vlad I Morariu, Anh Truong, Zhicheng Liu CHI 2024: The ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Session: Creative Media and AI Mixed-media tutorials, which integrate videos, images, text, and diagrams to teach procedural skills, offer more browsable alternatives than timeline-based videos. However, manually creating such tutorials is tedious, and existing automated solutions are often restricted to a particular domain. While AI models hold promise, it is unclear how to effectively harness their powers, given the multi-modal data involved and the vast landscape of models. We present TutoAI, a cross-domain framework for AI-assisted mixed-media tutorial creation on physical tasks. First, we distill common tutorial components by surveying existing work; then, we present an approach to identify, assemble, and evaluate AI models for component extraction; finally, we propose guidelines for designing user interfaces (UI) that support tutorial creation based on AI-generated components. We show that TutoAI has achieved higher or similar quality compared to a baseline model in preliminary user studies. Web:: https://programs.sigchi.org/chi/2024/program/content/147303 Video teaser for papers at CHI 2024

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