Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Deep Learning | Video 5 | Part 1 | Word Embedding: Text into Vectors | Venkat Reddy AI Classes

Course Materials https://github.com/venkatareddykonasani/Youtube_videos_Material To keep up with the latest updates, join our WhatsApp community: https://chat.whatsapp.com/GidY7xFaFtkJg5OqN2X52k In this video, we delve into word embedding, a method that converts text into numerical vectors while preserving context and meaning. Unlike traditional bag-of-words approaches, word embedding retains the relationships between words by representing them as vectors in a multi-dimensional space. We start by revisiting the concept of document-term matrices and one-hot encoding, highlighting their limitations in capturing semantic relationships between words. One-hot encoding leads to orthogonal representations, losing valuable contextual information crucial for text analysis. Word embedding, specifically Word2Vec, offers a solution by mapping words to vectors that encode their contextual meaning. Words with similar meanings or contexts are represented by vectors that are closer in this space, enabling powerful semantic relationships. Using simple examples like "King is a strong man" and "Queen is a wise woman," we illustrate how word embedding can capture relationships between words like King/Queen and man/woman. This method ensures that related words are closer in the vector space, preserving semantic connections. We discuss the importance of context in understanding meaning, emphasizing that context is derived from a window of surrounding words. Word2Vec leverages this idea to map words to vectors that reflect their context and meaning within a given corpus of text. Through Word2Vec, words like "India" and "China" can be associated with concepts like "Delhi" and "Beijing" respectively, showcasing the power of word embedding in capturing semantic relationships. Join us as we explore the concept of word embedding, its significance in natural language processing, and how it transforms text into numerical data while retaining semantic context. #WordEmbedding #TextAnalysis #NLP #Word2Vec #ai #SemanticAnalysis #MachineLearning #DataScience #datascience #genai #promptengineering

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