Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Devin: The World's First AI Software Engineer Revealed

Follow me online for AI content and the course waitlist: (sign up for membership waitlist)j Meet Devin, the first-ever AI software engineer trained in machine learning and artificial intelligence. Is this a sign that we have achieved AGI (artificial general intelligence)? Watch this reaction video to find out more! Devin Article: Devin's Upwork Side Hustle: In this video, Cognition reveals what I believe to be the start of the true AI revolution. We're still at the beginning of the AI era, and this is both scary and exciting. Artificial intelligence has advanced so quickly that it's mindblowing. Just two years ago, I couldn't take machine learning models (namely LLMs) as seriously, if at all. Now I rely on apps like Gemini, ChatGPT and Claude every day to do my work. I've also been leveraging machine learning models to do my PhD research in artificial intelligence.

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