Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Answering your TF Lite questions and more! (#AskTensorFlow)

Answering your TF Lite questions and more! (#AskTensorFlow) [Collection] Developer Advocate Paige Bailey (@DynamicWebPaige) and TF Developer Advocate Daniel Situnayake answer your #AskTensorFlow questions. Remember to use #AskTensorFlow to have your questions answered in a future episode! 0:21 - Is RNN / LSTM, quantization-aware training, and TOCO conversion in TF Lite available in TensorFlow 2.0? 1:22 - Is there any tutorial / example for text processing models in TF Lite, aside from the pre-trained smart reply example? 1:53 - Is Swift for TensorFlow for iOS programming? 2:37 - Will there be a commodity device that I can use for TPU inferencing? 3:43 - Does TF Lite only work on Coral dev boards? 4:41 - Will Edge TPUs be available to purchase in other countries? 5:19 - What about Android things? Does TF 2.0 support them? 6:08 - What platforms are supported by Swift for TensorFlow? 6:55 - Will there be support in the Python API for exporting object detection models (e.g., after transfer learning) to TF Lite? 8:28 - Why is it currently so difficult to integrate and use custom C++ / CUDA operations in TensorFlow and especially TensorFlow Serving? Are there any plans to make this process easier for production? 9:28 - I had some problems using Keras and TensorFlow + OpenCV. Are there any improvements in TensorFlow 2.0? 10:44 - Does TensorFlow have any API that can do AutoML, as Azure ML SDK? 11:40 - What about Kotlin for TensorFlow? 12:12 - Can a deep learning model be miniaturized automatically? 13:19 - Regarding, do you guys have any new APIs to directly load audio files (.wav, etc.) instead of going through the extra conversion steps to convert to TFRecords? 14:14 - Do you have any plans to add support for constraints or -even better- AutoDiff on manifolds? It would be so nice to do optimization where some parameters live in SO(3), for example. Resources mentioned in this episode: TF Lite mailing list - Swift for TensorFlow mailing list - Guide on RNNs & LSTMs in TF Lite - TOCO converter guide - Post-training quantization - Coral platform - TF Lite models - MLIR: A new intermediate representation and compiler framework - Cloud AutoML - TensorFlow model optimization toolkit - - This video is also subtitled in Chinese, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, and Spanish. Subscribe to the TensorFlow channel → Watch more episodes of #AskTensorFlow →

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